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How to Retain Employees by Living Something Bigger

Business Tips
retain employees conversation

Hub Australia

7th February 2019

You’ve spent hundreds of dollars and plenty of time and energy searching for your perfect team. So how do you retain employees once you’ve got them?
How to retain employees is a real frustration of HR managers everywhere, and with the demographic of the job-seeking workforce changing, retention efforts need to evolve to listen to what the workforce of the future is demanding.

Finding the right person for the right job

Whether you’re hiring someone entering the workforce for the first time, or someone making a career or industry change, knowing you’ve found someone with the right skill set for the role (as well as the right work ethic and social fit in the team) is essential.
It’s always going to be easier to retain employees who feel confident and competent in their role, as well as feeling supported and comfortable in their teams.

Read more: How Great Managers Delegate to Their Teams


Offer career progression & upskilling

Nobody wants to feel stagnant in their role, regardless of how long they’ve been in it.woman retain employees

Providing your team with regular training and professional development opportunities, such as the Hub Talks event series run in Hub Australia’s coworking spaces, helps them grow their knowledge and their networks.
If you don’t have the option to run your own internal sessions, consider offering an allowance for each employee to spend on their own development.

Read more: Freelancers: It’s Time To Look After Your Mental Health


Focus on company culture

It’s hard to foster a company culture while also focussing on expanding, but having some of the pillars of your internal relationships and conducts in place makes it easier to build on them as you grow.
Having a good company culture doesn’t just help you retain employees – millenials in particular are much more likely to become brand advocates if they feel appreciated and proud of their company culture, which can also turn them into a great referral resource for new roles.
This culture can also be encouraged through the physical space your team works in – do you have break-out spaces, rest areas, perhaps even a place to work out or make your own coffee in beautiful surrounds?young-woman-in-yoga-position-against-exposed-brick_925x

Employees are very vocal about prioritising an aesthetically pleasing and well-designed space, including the importance of lights and plants – keep this in mind when choosing your workspace!

Read more: How to Design the Right Workspace for Your Team


Be a positive force in the world

As society shifts towards recognising the power (and damage) businesses can have socially and environmentally, many people are holding their employers and the businesses they associate themselves with to a higher standard.

Most people can smell corporate greenwashing a mile away.

recycling-bin_925xHaving an impact doesn’t mean you have to host weekly tree-planting sessions – smaller actions can count towards corporate social responsibility, such as ensuring you recycle, checking your supply chain, and thinking of what social impact your company could have on your professional and personal communities.
Employees want to be working towards the same goals as their businesses, and knowing that they’re not having to work against their employers in striving for a better world changes their experiences for the better.

If your business is serious about employee retention and wants to place their team in a beautiful workspace full of networking and professional development opportunities, as well as a growing national community, find out more about Hub Australia’s shared office spaces.